Saturday, May 8, 2010

We've Got Him Covered

This crazy piece of biking gear has caused quite a stir in the Razavi household. One thing it's stirring is Isaiah's consciousness at about 5:59 am. Lovely. He woke up this morning saying, "put my clothes on. i don't want breakfast. i want to ride with my 'full face'"(helmet). And this is day number two of the helmet excitement. Yesterday, Ramin took him out and this morning it was my turn. As many of you know, I don't really wake up until about an hour after I get out of bed, so Isaiah rode and I kind of walked/slept standing up. Besides Isaiah's consciousness, it's also stirring a sense of relief for Ramin and I (the reason for the purchase) as we watch our Sonny do his "moves" and crashes with full cranium protection. The boy is happy and the nugget is safe.

1 comment:

mom and dad said...

Oh honey, You look so great in your new helmet! I am so glad that you will be safer in your crashes now!
Love, Grammy Debi