Thursday, August 27, 2009


One of the great mysteries of parenthood is the passage of time. There are days I feel will never end and seasons I cry through thinking that they alone define my life. Then, there are days and seasons that seem to pass like sand through my fingers and I can't grab tightly enough to hold onto the moments. I'm especially thinking about this as Isaiah turns 3 and prepares to go to school. The road we've traveled together has felt long and tedious at times, but when I look back it all seems to have passed too quickly. My baby is becoming a big boy and the challenge going forward is to complain less, ask God to give me perspective when the days feel long and the seasons feel unendingly rough, and enjoy with all of my heart the gift of a little boy that God has given us. Happy Birthday Isaiah James!
just hours old
6 months


Jordan said...

Misty-eyed looking at these photos of IJ growing up. You are my hero, Nat! You are such a good mom; you and Ram are raising such an awesome young guy!

cara. said...

it's so great to see these pictures.

big hugs to your little man.