Monday, April 27, 2009

Isaiah and Spiderman go to the Zoo

This past week we went to the Denver Zoo with Meggan and John. The boys had a blast rolling through the zoo in their cool safari jeep and I'll have to say that Meg and I enjoyed not having to chase them around. We kept looking at each other in surprise and saying, "this is actually relaxing!" They had a lot of fun saying hello to all of the animals and as it turns out we ended up being a main attraction that day as literally everyone we passed said, "Spiderman!" "Spiderman is at the zoo!" Hilarious. The fact that the Kid with the Bionic Blonde Fro was riding with Spiderman definitely didn't help with the attention factor either :) It was a great day with 2 really incredible boys. 
Isaiah and John (Spiderman) at the entrance of the zoo. Isaiah was shaking off his sleepiness.
The boys started their safari jeep adventure with some lollipops.
Meggan and Johnny on the zoo train
Isaiah James on the train (he was in heaven because he got to give the "conductor" a token and take his seat-he pretends to do that all the time at home).

1 comment:

Jordan said...

can't wait to play "train" and "cars" in june!