Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Isaiah turned 21 months at the end of May and is in full toddler form. My good friend Meggan took this picture while she was watching him one day and I feel like it perfectly captures what our little guy is like these days; so sweet you want to kiss his cheeks off, but full of mischief.

He's talking a lot and saying some of the funniest things. Yesterday, for instance, we were coming home from Target and he got really sleepy (we were still about an hour away from his normal nap time). When we came inside the house he said, "Mama, I go nigh night," so I took him back and put him in his bed thinking that maybe he was ready early. As I started out the door he said, "Mama, I change mind!" How he put that one together, I'm not sure, but it provided a good laugh.

Here are a few other classic Isaiah phrases:

"I wan two!" (he has to be double fisted at all times)
"I go bi-ride." ("bike ride" a.k.a. his favorite activity on the planet)
"I wan pay dollars!" (he's recently grasped that you can pay money at a store and get what you want, so almost every day he talks about at least one thing that he wants to pay dollars for)
"I go ba-yard." (we recently moved and the new place has a great back yard...he wants to be in it all day long)
"Mama, I wan yunch" (when he's hungry he always asks for lunch)
"Baa Baa back sheep have you wool...yes sir, yes sir...bags full" (he loves to sing this song, but hurries so quickly through it that he misses lots of words)
"I wan seep mommy daddy's" (translation: I want to come sleep with you guys)
"Time share!" (he says this to kids whenever he wants to play with the toy they have)
"Tackle Daddy!" (or anyone else who is in the general vicinity)

Oh, there are so many more! He cracks us up constantly with his new found verbal skills :) Ramin and I both are finding so much joy in parenting right now. We are amazed that God would give us such a gift.

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