Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Piece Of Heaven

I woke up this morning with such a full heart; filled to the brim with memories from an absolutely enchanting afternoon and evening. Ramin had the honor of marrying a dear couple from Origins yesterday-Ryan and Tracy Flanders. Tracy's parents treated all invited to an amazing experience at Castle Pines in south Denver. From beginning to end and in every detail there was purpose, beauty and meaning. From the beautiful ceremony, to truly magnificent scenery, to time with amazing friends, to a delicious meal to watching Isaiah break dance, every moment was pure joy.
Our little man looking very dapper. He made an exception on his strict "no buttons or snaps" rule just for this occasion, which made this Mama very happy (I think I should send this picture to Gymboree for their next magazine).
The Castle Pines Club is nestled in a brilliant landscape with a perfectly manicured golf course (this picture is for you, Dad). Isaiah and the other kids loved running up and down the rolling hills (but not on the greens, of course).
This is a view of the gorgeous veranda on the back side of the castle like venue.
Isaiah loved looking at all of the cool rocks in the fire feature (the fire wasn't lit until dusk, if you're worried). He would pick out all of the most unique patterns and line them up.
The centerpieces on the tables were exquisite, as you can see. They were close to 4 feet tall and so so beautiful.
Sweet Jaydn in her pretty flower girl dress with Isaiah.
More golf course and view.
Mr. Colton in his handsome ring bearer suit with Isaiah.
After the wedding, we relaxed on the back porch with some of our very favorite people.
Aaron, Isaiah and Ramin enjoying the chill.
A handsome group: Aaron, Ramin, Isaiah, Zach and Brian
And the ladies: Lisa, Sarah and me.
The wonderful Firles.
This happy face says it all.
After dinner the fire feature became a "s'more" feature and that made for many smiles.
Lisa and I enjoying the cool evening breeze and a cup of coffee.
Our family.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Looks like a sweet time! Thanks for the photos. You all look awesome!