Friday, December 31, 2010

Warrior At Rest

Let me just start by saying that my sister is the best! For Christmas she sent me this amazing painting by her friend and co-worker, Kate Wagner. Kate paints warrior women and this depicts one such woman who has just engaged in an intense personal battle and is finally at rest. Her eyes are closed and her heart is open, ready to breathe again. Lauren sent me a letter ahead of time letting me now why she chose it for me. The minute I opened it my eyes filled with tears. I instantly connected with it and felt its beauty and meaning. Every day this warrior woman will remind me that the worst of my battle is behind me and that living with my heart wide open will fill my life with beauty.


kstroess said...

so beautiful. love that you get that in your view every day :)

Jordan said...

What a beautiful expression of your journey and Warrior You.