Sunday, September 26, 2010

So Kind

I'm confident that everyone who reads our blog knows that on August 4th I was diagnosed with nodular sclerosing hodgkin's lymphoma. Our life has changed a lot in the past few months, but our amazing friends and family have solidly remained as those who make our life sweet. I can't even begin to recount the ways that we've been loved and supported, but I wanted to share this particular act of kindness, because it was so unexpected. Ramin performed a wedding for our friends John and Kristin Supsic last weekend and I couldn't go because it was a treatment weekend. When he came home he presented me with Kristin's wedding bouquet-a beautiful assortment of fall flowers. She decided to give them to me instead of tossing them. I just thought they were beautiful, was so touched by the gesture and wanted to share them with you.


Jordan said...

speechless. that is incredible, Nat. what sweet friends you have. i was at a wedding last saturday as well and caught the garter. i would mail it to you, but it might not hold the same significance as these flowers. :) i love you, sister.

erinleighclark said...

too cool!