Monday, November 12, 2007

Spiderman saves the day

we shall prevail!! Good will Triumph!

Ramin checking in. This is my maiden voyage on the family blog. my personal ramblings can be found on our Roots Church blog at

Wanted to fire a couple of halloween images up as we had a grand old time in the Park. Living in Chautauqua Park compels a restful adventure ready lifestyle with friends. we are incredibly grateful for the other families who are living in the Park over the winter. It makes for incredible community and great times for the kids. here are some sweet shots of the crew on a trick our treat rampage. We've got the fairy princess-Cecelia, Curious George-Peakay, Big Spiderman-Gordon, Lil' Spidey-Isaiah james and Tiger-Nathan. The neighbors went all out and really made the little crew feel welcome at each house. In the process of collecting candy we managed to save the day at least 8 times while ending global hunger, protecting orphans, reforesting the Amazon and finally getting George Bush out of office. Enjoy and just remember Spiderman can save your day too. all you have to do is believe.

Quick Rally the Team.

we all need mentors

Not so fast! Your villainous plans will never succeed on my watch!

POW! WHAM! BOOF! I have trapped Dr. Evil in a pile of leaves....
Quick-rush the porch Chuck Norris style, they'll never know what hit them

Take my hand Princess, I will Save YOU
saving the world makes me hungry
Let Peace prevail


Jordan said...

these are awesome! So glad to see Spidey is saving the day one crisis at a time in Boulder. I think I need him around here to put out some fires in my world. :) I miss you guys! give IJ a hug and kiss from his unc.

cara. said...

thanks for the comment. think of you all pretty often too & check in consistantly with this blog. isaiah is beautiful. take care.